Worth the Price

Cozy mornings.

Quiet house.

My favorite corner.

The peace and stillness of dawn.

I don’t ever want to forget mornings like this.

Life has changed so much for me (again) in the last year.

Everything is different— everything is better. In losing everything I gained something beyond price— peace.

I’m so grateful.

Another storm is over.

I’ve found so much value in the last year in learning how to create a sanctuary. Making home a beautiful place. I’ve made space for early mornings, quiet time, and paid close attention to how physical spaces make me feel in my personal pursuit of peace.

Im grateful for the storms and hard seasons— and I’m grateful that they eventually end.

Im grateful for the outpouring of peace I’ve felt and I’m living the reality that life really DOES get better and that unimaginable good things— even the best things— are still ahead for each of us.

Peace is every bit worth the price you pay for it. I’ll forever be in awe of the miracles God can work in our lives 🤍

Happy Sunday.


To you, dear friends


In Oceans Deep